لیست مقالات 2016
ردیف عنوان سال انتشار نوع نمایه لینک 
1 The effect of the SNAPPS (summarize, narrow, analyze, probe, plan, and select) method versus teacher-centered education on the clinical gynecology skills of midwifery students in Iran 2016 ISI دانلود
2 Relation between quality of life and mental health in pregnant women with prior pregnancy loss 2016 ISI دانلود
3 Comparison the Effect of Anethum graveolens and Oxytocin on Induction of Labor in Term Pregnancy: A Randomized Clinical Trial 2016 ISI دانلود
4 Barriers to Implementing Evidence-Based Intrapartum Care: A Descriptive Exploratory Qualitative Study 2016 ISI دانلود
5 Sexual health issues and disability in veterans with spinal cord injury: An Iranian qualitative study 2016 ISI دانلود
6 Assessment of the relationship between modes of delivery and sexual function in primiparous women perspective 2016 ISI دانلود
7 Breastfeeding or nipple stimulation for reducing postpartum haemorrhage in the third stage of labour 2016 ISI دانلود
8 Journey to Motherhood in the First Year After Child Birth.
2016 Pubmed دانلود
9 The Relationship Between Body Image and Sexual Function in Middle-Aged Women.
2016 Pubmed دانلود
10 Experiences of women regarding gaps in preconception care services in the Iranian reproductive health care system: A qualitative study.
2016 Pubmed دانلود
11 Comparison of pelvic floor muscle strength in nulliparous women and those with normal vaginal delivery and cesarean section.
2016 Pubmed دانلود
12 Evaluation of pregnant women’s satisfaction of presented prenatal care at Ahvaz health care centers  2016 scopus دانلود