لیست مقالات 2018
ردیف عنوان سال انتشار نوع نمایه لینک 
1 The relationship between iron deficiency anemia and sexual function and satisfaction among reproductive-aged Iranian women 2018 ISI دانلود
2 Psychometric properties of the Iranian version of mindful eating questionnaire in women who seeking weight reduction 2018 ISI دانلود
3 The Effect of Problem Solving Therapy on Breast CancerWomen 2018 ISI دانلود
4 Comparison of the effect of breast pump stimulation and oxytocin administration on the length of the third stage of labor, postpartum hemorrhage, and anemia: a randomized controlled trial 2018 ISI دانلود
5 Comparing the Frequency and Barriers in Performing Mammography in Different Occupations in 2018 2018 ISI دانلود
6 The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Premenstrual Syndrome 2018 ISI دانلود
7 The Relationship between Gestational Weight Gain and Postpartum Depression in Normal and Overweight Pregnant Women 2018 ISI دانلود
8 Psychometric properties of the Iranian version of mindful eating questionnaire in women who seeking weight reduction.
2018 Pubmed دانلود
9 The effect of education through mobile phone short message service on promoting self-care in pre-diabetic pregnant women: A randomized controlled trial.
2018 Pubmed دانلود
10 Do Sleeping Disorders Impair Sexual Function in Married Iranian Women of Reproductive Age? Results from a Cross-Sectional Study.
2018 Pubmed دانلود
11 How does health-promoting lifestyle relate to sexual function among women of reproductive age in Iran?
2018 Pubmed دانلود
12 Effect of glycyrrhiza glabra vaginal cream on the mental symptoms of vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women  2018 Scopus دانلود
13 Effect of maternal positioning with occipito-posterior fetal position during labor on pain intensity and satisfaction of mothers  2018 Scopus دانلود
14 The relationship between perceived stress and attitude towards delivery and choosing mode of delivery among pregnant women  2018 Scopus دانلود